What is The Global Exclaimer and why might you care?

Hello and Welcome to The Global Exclaimer, the news site that dares to exist. In a world where stuff happens, one news source, The Global Exclaimer, is one.

What kinds of things need Exclaiming? Oh my, lots. I mean, look around! My goal is to bring a different voice to the Public Square with insights and opinions that you may find yourself thinking about long after you forgot where you read them. At least I hope you forget before you get around to contacting lawyers and stuff.

There is some actual local news that is straight up reporting for the City of Carrollton, Cradle of Civilization. Mostly there are Exclamations, Global in nature, about cultural things that matter… Mostly.

I do try to point out truth regardless of the style or tone of the report. Sometimes it will be straight up opinion, sometimes Fake Real News. Or Real Fake News. What does that mean? Fiction is often used to illustrate Truth. No one believes that a fox really gave up trying to get grapes and said, “They were probably sour anyway,” but Aesop’s fables nevertheless reveal truths about the human condition.

It’s also a platform for me to write mystery science fiction and philosophical mystery fiction as the muse strikes.

Why subscribe?

For a sober viewpoint. On things that matter. It’s all free; what subscribing does is get you an email that you can read from your inbox without any spam or click bait.

What do you get?

One email each Friday with a recap and links to what has been written the previous week.

Who is this guy?

I am a husband, father, grandfather, and dilettante philosopher. I also have a Masters in Theological Studies. Many will think I am conservative. Maybe dangerously so. I mean, I’m white, cis-gendered, straight, and Catholic, the very poster child of all that is wrong with this world. Or, am I?

Did I mention Catholic? It may not mean what you think it means. It is hard to pigeon-hole Catholic Social Teaching into Democrat or Republican, Liberal or Conservative. I am an Aristotelian-Thomist in theory and a wanna be Stoic in practice. All of which dovetail with Catholic Social Teaching rather well.

Why don’t you charge anything?

I told myself I might open up paid subscriptions if it seemed like people liked it enough to actually pay. So far, I don’t think so. I’ve decided to open up paid subscriptions if I ever hit 100 subscribers. Actually, I will need more than that because a couple of subscriptions are actually Paddy Keyk and Beauregard Smith, pen names for contributors on this site. And many hot babes subscribed but then vanished when they realized I was not in fact Elon Musk.

You can, if you wish, pledge to provide me with part of one cigar a month; my go-to cigar is pictured below, and costs between 7 and 8 USD. So, at $6 a month you would contribute most of a cigar. Please note, any pledge you make will happen automagically if I ever go live on payments.

Or if you prefer, you can make a one time donation by clicking on the cigar below. If you do, I will thank you with a post about the cigar you helped purchase.

Arturo Fuente 8-5-8

Why am I doing this? Because it’s fun. And because I believe some things need to be said even if no one is listening. And that some people want to hear and maybe need to hear some things. And maybe think about them for a bit.


The Global Exclaimer is a product of the Shadowy Global Organization known as The Hermetic Order Of The Ruminantia. Frater Bovious, 9th Level Adept, works toward his own goals shrouded in mystery and confusion.
About this, nothing more may be said.

“The Eye is Open”™

The electronic fish wrap on which this newsletter is printed was ethically sourced from renewable quark farms. Not very many electrons were lost during the manufacture of this page, but those that were, sacrificed themselves willingly and count themselves blessed.

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Subscribe to The Global Exclaimer

The Global Exclaimer is where I react to things Global that need Exclaiming. Also serialized speculative fiction.


Cigars and whiskey fuel these pages. And port, a good tawny port. I am the founder of The Hermetic Order Of The Ruminantia™, about which nothing more may be said.
What do you see
5th level adept THOOTR. Nothing more may be said of this.