CARROLLTON, TX - Cradle of Civilization (GLOB) - I asked the question, and one reader and I had this exchange:
Reader: I think it would be hard to know anything about a public figure other than what the news wants you to know. Â I would rather hear from her what she believes and those who know her well.
The Glob: Actions tell more than words. Her actions as Attorney General in CA are a matter of public record.
Reader: Not sure how to get to those records.
As I was writing a response, it occurred to me that I should share the information broadly.
Here are some sources for insight into her time in CA as Attorney General:
You can follow the links in that article to see specifics that are mostly devoid of histrionics and emotional appeals.
This link provides additional information on Harris and some pros and cons:
This piece is more opinionated but has links to actual court documents, a sponsored bill, and the like.
I don't know how many are familiar with the Marshall Project. You can follow this link and read their about page:
They give a nice summary of her record on crime:
From all this we can glean a picture of her positions on various types of crime.Â
Ms. Harris was a senator from 2017-2021. Her senate record is pretty easy to find: - you can search on her name to see the bills she has sponsored.
And this site provides a sort of "just the facts" summary:
As VP she does not vote in the Senate except in cases of a tie. Since ties indicate a clear and broad difference of opinion, her deciding vote on such is informative. It forces the VP to go on record on divisive issues. Did you know she broke a 191 year old record on tie breaking votes? She passed John C. Calhoun, VP under both John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson who had 31 tie breaker votes. One difference - back then the two party system was in its infancy, and voting the party line was not expected. They were voting on infrastructure issues, like building canals, and such. Today the VP is expected to vote in favor of the Administration:
She did get a golden gavel:
From reviewing all the above information it seems one can obtain an informed opinion regarding what she supports and opposes and gain insight into what might be important to her as as President.
Of course, none of this fits on a bumper sticker or in a snarky tweet, or works as a click bait headline. Responsible voting is not for the faint of heart.
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