FACEBOOK (GLOB)—This ad popped up and told on itself.
And you would be right. Anytime an ad tells you that you won’t believe it, it’s telling the truth. What is the theory of marketing that supports warning that your product is bogus?
These ads tap into several psychological factors. This type of marketing is sometimes referred to as “reverse psychology marketing” or “curiosity advertising.” Also, if someone is suffering from a malady that the ad promises to fix, there is the “It might be true!” aspect that will lead people to try it, just in case.
Optimism Bias
People will tell you that you can’t have the hair of your youth. I’m not talking about wigs or implants. I’m talking about your own hair regrown. Here’s what the wig-makers and snake-oil salesmen don’t want you to know! You won’t believe it!

Curiosity Gap
“You ever wonder why everyone else has wads of money and credit cards with no limits and you can’t afford a Big Mac? You won’t believe how easy it is to be loaded!

Sad to say this, but I am pretty sure I could post the above and get clicks. And make more money that you can possibly imagine!
Find out how! Subscribe to the Glob Now!