Occam's Razor is not for use by children.
I went into rant mode on Facebook and decided to publish here.
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (GLOB) - What's on my mind is the abuse of Occam's razor, specifically with people finding reasons for why Harris lost the election.
An example of people trying to find a simple reason that explains the loss: "Harris lost because Hispanic males with their toxic machismo were unwilling to vote for a woman."
Occam's Razor, "Entities must not be multiplied beyond necessity" DOES NOT MEAN "the simplest explanation is the right one." Not even close.
One of the earliest formulations of this concept comes from Aristotle:
"We may assume the superiority (other things being equal) of the demonstration which derives from fewer postulates or hypotheses."
First of all, there are not enough machismo Hispanic males to have tipped the election all alone. So, the simplistic observation that there are Hispanic Males with Toxic Machismo doesn't demonstrate why every state leaned right in this election cycle.
I weep for the lack of ability by a significant subset of the population to critically examine and judge events in this country. Instead, they simply regurgitate someone else's world view that has been spoon fed to them and swallowed whole. No rumination. No attempt to digest and extract anything useful and eliminate what is crap. Just swallow and regurgitate.