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Kamasutra Harris
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I watched President Biden talk about historic job growth in his term. Something about that seems wrong. Please advise.
Dear Kamasutra Harris,
The Global Exclaimer’s patented De-Crapinator™ took 0.05 milliseconds to return the result:
The quote you are referring to is:
“At home, we have created nearly 17 million new jobs, more than any other single administration in a single term.” —Biden in his farewell address.
During the country’s Covid lockdown, nearly 22 million jobs were lost. 12.5 million had already returned by the start of Biden’s administration. 9.5 million returned during the first 2 years of Biden’s administration. The remaining 7.5 million “new” jobs necessary to meet Biden’s claim of 17 million new jobs are fabricated. The largest piece of this fabrication is projected future jobs based on infrastructure spending, but this in fact is informed conjecture and by no means guaranteed. Could be higher, could be lower. The rest is creative accounting. In other words, bullshit.
Biden inexplicably believes he can in fact fool all of the people all of the time.
What is the De-Crapinator™? Well, you read something, you scratch your head, and you think, “Something’s off here. But I can’t quite put a finger on it.” Enter the De-Crapinator™ Just enter the offending text and send it off. We will pour it into the De-Crapinator™ and your answer will arrive in a post on The Glob!
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