I saw this post:
The person who posted it said, “She just keeps getting more impressive,” followed by a blue heart emoji. Clearly she believed and agreed with the sentiment.
I am not a big fan of AOC. In fact, I commonly refer to her as Alexandria Occasional Cortex. I know, very grown up of me. However, what she is saying about the infrastructure of the Republican Party can also be said about the Democrats. So I commented:
Pot, meet kettle.
You know, now that I think about it, I’m not sure how many people have heard the old saw about the pot calling the kettle black. Back in olden days cooking ware was commonly made with cast iron. When heated, the cast iron turns black, especially if properly cured.
To spell it out, AOC is calling out something on the Republicans for which Democrats are also guilty.
And then, following my comment I saw this:
like you she is a stupid semen gulping garden tool
<Heavy sigh>
I’ll spare you an AI generated graphic of that.
I just really can’t believe someone felt it was desirable to say that. It is just ugly, mean, and meaningless. They made no argument, they simply flung their own feces.
I struggle to determine the proper response to such rank incivility. I lean toward simply ignore, and block if you can. But, it feels like someone should pull that person aside and say, “Hey, that’s not how grown-ups act.” Like maybe their mom.
I don’t know.
What do you think?
The individual who made that clever (not) comment most likely watches too much porn, or possibly too much Comedy Central. I’m almost tempted to ask what the described act has to do with gardening, just like it’s fascinating to look at car wrecks on the other side of the freeway, but I realize it’s better not knowing.
If there is any intelligence behind the comment, its goal is to “troll” us, to bait us into some kind of constant looping debate that is impossible to win because the Troll changes definitions, or turns the debate to an entirely different subject. Because the Troll thrives on conflict, civility is the last thing they want.
Option 1. Ignore and block.
Option 2. Ask for a picture of the garden tool (just curious…)