WASHINGTON DC (GLOB) - I am going to comment on the fly as I watch the SOTUA. I am live streaming on YouTube from PBS NewsHour.
First observation, a large number of the attendees seem to be chewing gum. Many people seem to be enjoying themselves. There are a large number of women wearing white. A scarecrow! Oh, never mind that is Nancy Pelosi.
Here is Mrs. Dr. Biden. Everyone is clapping. Now the President’s cupboard enters.
How many are in his cabinet? Google says 25, 15 principle officers and 10 other members.
A very stern faced woman in blue. I wonder who that was. I’m sure PBS focused for a reason.
Mrs. Dr. Biden looks a bit nervous. Gavel and announcement of Mr. President.. Navy blue suit, white shirt, blue tie. Someone telling Biden he is the soul of the nation, or maybe this is about the soul of the nation. Oh, he’s talking to a lady in a MAGA hat!
People taking selfies with the president
”Four more years” chants starting up.
He made it up the stairs.
“Good evening! If I were smart, I’d go home now.”
He is comparing our current situation with 1941 when Roosevelt came to speak to Congress and alert them to the dangers of Hitler.
Warning against Putin, and pledging support for Ukraine. Money and weapons not soldiers.
Contrast between Reagan saying “Tear down this wall” and Trump saying “Putin, do whatever you want.”
Kind of a big deal that Sweden joined NATO. Tells me that Europe is worried about Putin’s long range intent. Biden says we will not walk away.
Call back to January 6th. “Democracy prevailed.” Kudos to the speech writers. “You can’t love your country only if you win.”
Biden seems rested and ready for tonight.
Now comments on IVF. Calls to guarantee that IVF remains available.
He just threatened the Supreme Court. Women have political power. Biden promises to reinstate Roe V Wade.
Now comments about COVID-19. Blames Trump. Kamala Harris getting her squat reps in. She stand every time Biden pauses.
He just claimed that the vaccines that beat COVID are now being used to beat cancer. (!?)
Comments about growth of jobs, black businesses, inflation rates falling.
I think he is beginning to tire. Muffing some words.
He just said “Buy America” has been the law of the land, but that his predecessor did not abide by that. Kamala looks confused. But, she will have thighs of steel.
We are building chip factories, he says, companies spending billions and creating high paying jobs that don’t require a college degrees.
Said we are removing lead pipes so that kids don’t drink poisonous water. Looked it up - internet says 9.2 million households serviced by lead pipes. So, good on them. I had no idea.
Claims that unions kept factories from closing. Cannot find that in a quick google search - so that will take some time to ferret out.
The state of the Union is strong and getting stronger.
Prescription drug talk now. Have to say I agree that the drug costs are too high.
Lots of big pharma digs. Easy target. But I agree.
Now talking about ACA.
Jill Biden to head up women’s health research initiative.
Now housing - wants to provide an annual tax credit that will provide 400 a month for two years. Curious to know how that works.
Oops, Kamala stopped standing. Feel the burn Kamala, feel the burn.
Support for pre-schools - states that pre-school improves likelihood of completion of high school and 2 and 4 year graduate degrees.
Wants to continue to relieve student loan debt and give public school teachers a raise.
Wants to cut deficit by having corporations “pay their fair share.”
I do have to say that historically, Republican administrations have created more national debt than Democrats have.
Another call for the rich and big corporations to pay “their fair share.”
Kamala waited her 90 seconds between sets to allow ATP stores to build up and she’s doing reps again.
Calls for paid leave for employees.
Claims that Republicans wants to “put Social Security on the chopping block.”
Republicans look pissed. One guy was like, “no we don’t”.
Now talking about chip bags having less chips.
Cutting credit card late fees from 30+ to 8. Eliminating “junk fees.”
Discussion of the bi-partisan immigration bill that can’t get through congress.
Claim that Trump called people in Congress and told them to stall or kill the bill. I have heard that elsewhere. If true, then shame on Trump and shame on those he cowed into submission.
Heckling from MAGA lady.
“We all come from somewhere, but we’re all Americans.”
Calls to “Get it fixed” regarding the immigration bill.
Shout out to Betty Mae Fikes, the Voice of Selma. Look it up, it’s worth your time.
Claims of voter suppression now 59 years later.
Calls to pass several acts, and raise the federal minimum wage.
Now talk of climate change. (I still wonder where people think the electricity that goes into electric cars comes from.)
I had stopped to take screen shots and got pretty behind. Skipped up to discussion of Gaza.
Calls for a two state solution. But, it is past my bedtime. Good night.
The full text of his speech, as prepared for delivery is available here.
I've added a link to a transcript of his speech in the body of the post. Also, looking at the COVID-19 cures cancer comment, and well, it is interesting. To be dealt with in a follow-up article. The fact-check by NewsWeak is particularly interesting as they judge it completely true, not even needing context.